About Instantbird
With Instantbird, we intend to redefine the way instant messaging is used, so that it works the way you want. Both simple and powerful, it will help you manage all your real time communications. Learn more.
Get in touch!
Found something that could be improved?
File a bug please! We look forward to read your ideas, they help us make Instantbird what it is.
Have a question that wasn't answered in the F.A.Q.?
Join us on IRC if you want to discuss it (#instantbird channel on the irc.mozilla.org server), or email us at contact@instantbird.org.
Warning: both our IRC channel and our contact mailing list have public archives where your messages will be publicly readable, so ensure you don't include any private data.
Who makes Instantbird?
We are a team of highly motivated individuals, working to provide you the best instant messenger. Free.
Florian Quèze
Instantbird Guru
Email: flo@instantbird.org
IRC: flo
Quentin Castier
Pixel Fighter
Email: idechix@instantbird.org
IRC: idechix
Quentin Raynaud
System Overlord
Email: even@instantbird.org
IRC: Even
Our contributors
Several individuals and organizations helped us in invaluable ways.
And... You!
There are so many ways to get involved that there's certainly one for you!
Learn more.
We have image resources (logos, ready to use screenshots) to help you if you write about Instantbird.
Feel free to contact us if you have questions.